July 1, 2009 NH.com At Ease with the Pledge “The question got both candidates on the record, but it was about as relevant as asking candidates if they admire the North Country’s fall leaves or if they agonize over the Red Sox. The pledge has become so ingrained...
Guinta Releases Video Highlighting Carol Shea-Porter’s National Energy Tax Vote Shea-Porter Casts Critical Vote that could Cost Constituents Millions of Dollars and Thousands of Jobs Manchester – On Friday, June 26th, at the behest of Speaker Pelosi, Carol...
The New Hampshire Sunday News is not a big fan of taxes. We think they should be kept to an absolute minimum. They should be locally raised and locally spent, thus ensuring some measure of local control and oversight. That said, we believe taxes should be levied...
The Josiah Barlett Center for Public Policy, a NH think tank, created this report that outlines at least 38 new taxes and fees that our current Democrat legislature and Governor has imposed on the people of NH. Summary: So far this year, the legislature has passed 38...
At Ease with the Pledge During the only televised debate for governor last fall, a question was read carefully. “It would not be election season in New Hampshire without the following question: Do you pledge to veto any broad based sales or income tax?” Gov. John...