A Rising Tide of Taxes and Fees

The Josiah Barlett Center for Public Policy, a NH think tank, created this report that outlines at least 38 new taxes and fees that our current Democrat legislature and Governor has imposed on the people of NH. Summary: So far this year, the legislature has passed 38...

The PLEDGE Lives On

At Ease with the Pledge During the only televised debate for governor last fall, a question was read carefully. “It would not be election season in New Hampshire without the following question: Do you pledge to veto any broad based sales or income tax?” Gov. John...

Spinning Budget Myths

by Senator Jeb Bradley (R) Dis 3 Supporters of the recently enacted State of New Hampshire budget were quick to claim that it was responsible and that they made tough decisions during difficult economic times. Talk about myth and spin – this budget fits the bill...

Democrats Responsible for This Budget

Seacoast Online One thing is certain as we move into the new biennial budget in New Hampshire: Its success, or failure, rests with the Democrats. They cannot blame the economy, they cannot blame Republicans and they can no longer crow about being the party that best...

Lawsuit Claims Windsor Tax Collector Didn’t Pay Taxes

June 28, 2009 – Update On June 24th an article was published by WMUR-TV that barely skimmed the facts of the case in Windsor, NH of which CNHT has inside information. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Please see other posts about Windsor in the Assessments...

Judge Rules Against State’s Use of Medical Fund to Offset Budget

A Superior Court judge has rejected New Hampshire’s claim a medical malpractice fund is an agency of the state. Judge Kathleen McGuire’s ruling Thursday appears to undermine the state’s argument it can use a $110 million surplus in the New Hampshire...