June 14, 2009 Seacoast Online Senate considers suspension New Hampshire Senate budget proposal to suspend a business tax credit has drawn strong opposition from the business community, which believes a recession is the wrong time for lawmakers to nickel and dime...
June 14, 2009 WCAX-TV Las Vegas firm spends lavishly to court NH CONCORD, N.H. (AP) – A Las Vegas company Millennium Gaming is betting big that it can persuade New Hampshire lawmakers to allow it to bring thousands of video slot machines to the state. Read...
Update 2014: NH to Explore Seasonal Camper Tax According to an older article [no longer available] in the Tri-Town Times, the assessing company Avitar Associates has decided that they will levy a tax on seasonal vehicles that are parked at various Hampstead area...
HB 276 would establish additional requirements for challenging voters and establishes penalties for prohibited challenges. Additionally, the sponsors of this bill seem to be attempting to suppress the ability of legitimate voters to have an election stolen by...
June 7, 2009 Fosters Unwise taxes, gambling and runaway spending has become the Democrats’ hallmark The only real difference between Democrats in the House and Democrats in the Senate is the way in which they want to pick the pockets of the businesses and people...
According to an AP Story the State of New Hampshire’s Department of Environmental Services will provide supplies and equipment to volunteers from Plymouth State University for research work intended to help protect the environment and to further research and...