Governor Signs HB 1264 Into Law

AS HOST OF THE First in the Nation Presidential Primary, New Hampshire has an obligation to ensure our electoral system is beyond reproach. House Bill 1264, which seeks to clearly define the rules surrounding the state’s voting process, has been the subject of...

NH’s Master Plans – Who Gets To Say What’s in Them?

“Most towns in NH have what is called a “Master Plan”. It is a sort of wish list or projection for what towns would like to see accomplished in the future. But it has become more than just a list of repair and improvement projects. Lately it is more...

The Next Logical Step From Voter Fraud

by Ed Naile New Hampshire’s policy of violating of State Constitution by letting non-residents vote here has just expanded to…now non-citizens can sit as jurors in Federal cases. This is just what Judge Barbadaro concluded in this recent case: United States of America...

Out-Of-State Resident Serves on NH Jury

We had an out-of-state resident serve on a NH jury in a Federal Drug Case. See what happens when you let thousands of non-residents vote here? The inevitable has happened. A legal resident of another state has served on a New Hampshire jury and convicted someone of a...

Got Pledge?

Apparently, Gubernatorial Candidates Molly Kelly and Steve Marchand do not, and will not. “Marchand, a former mayor of Portsmouth who ran for governor in 2016, said he will reject the so-called “pledge,” a long-standing, unofficial promise from New Hampshire...