Obama’s Tax on Everyone

Your representatives in government are preparing to levy a tax on everything. Everything that’s made, everything that’s motorized, everything you use or eat or buy. You’ll be taxed more every time you travel, whether it’s to work, to see friend, or to go on...

Group Advocates for Income and Sales Taxes

Seacoast Online – Residents take shots at ‘NH advantage’ The income and sales tax advocates are at it again. We strongly suggest they read the Yankee Institute’s study “15 Years of Folly” which is available on this blog under Documents to find...

N.H. Farmers Say No To Proposed Ag Dept. Merger (SB 132)

Lancaster Farming Steve Taylor, New England Correspondent CONCORD, N.H. — Led by farmers and sportsmen, close to 300 citizens at a hearing gave a near-unanimous thumbs down to legislation aimed at creating a new supersized New Hampshire state agency that would combine...

AG to N.H. Officials: Don’t Endorse Candidates

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — The New Hampshire Attorney General’s office has told the Peterborough selectmen to stop endorsing candidates for town office in next week’s election. The New Hampshire Union Leader reports the office found two selectmen engaged in illegal...

Media Blocks More IB Info to MVSD Parents

The Merrimack Valley School District of NH is seriously considering implementing the expensive program known as International Baccalaureate on a district-wide basis. On the school district’s website, is featured a slide show that supposedly contains all the...

GOP’s Right to Know request may highlight law’s gray areas

April 26, 2009 Laconia Citizen Recent GOP right to know requests may put to the test our current right to know laws. Aside from that it seems that Democrats cannot escape bathroom scandals. We recall when Governor Benson was accused of spending $250,000 to renovate a...