Place Your Bets

April 24, 2009 Steve Mac Donald The people’s House killed gambling by a 4 to 1 margin, and across party lines, but as many as twenty paid lobbyist hacks for the gaming industry have marched on the State Senate because gambling addiction isn’t limited to...

Dems in NH Statehouse ratcheting up taxes

April 24, 2009 Seacoast Online “Serious damage is being done in Concord and if the Democrats remain in control after the next election, it will only get worse. These folks have found that slowly ratcheting up taxes and spending is easy and may even be under the...

New Hampshire’s New Report Card

by Hon. Paul Mirski The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has just released its 2009 “Rich States Poor States” report ranking the economic potential of all the states. New Hampshire, flying high in 2007, has received a flunking grade. In just two short...

We are being set up for an income tax

April 23, 2009 Union Leader Article by Ted Gatsas “Let’s look at the trial balloons. Currently, the state has an interest and dividends tax of 5 percent. The House has added to that a 5 percent tax on capital gains, an 8 percent death tax and a 10 percent...

Gatsas: Budget is trial balloon for back door income tax

by NH Senator Ted Gatsas Fosters Trial balloons for an income tax: Budget woes and our economic edge “Let’s examine the trial balloons. Currently the State of New Hampshire has an interest and dividends tax of 5 percent; the House has added to that a 5...

Tax and Spenders Resort to Name-Calling

For Immediate Release April 21, 2009 Media Contact: Mike Biundo, Chairman (603) 540-2572 NH State Democratic Chair and DNC Vice Chair Ray Buckley calls Tea Party attendees “unhinged mob that had lost their minds”. NHAC Chairman Michael Biundo...