State budget hearing draws a crowd in Laconia

April 15, 2009 Laconia Citizen “The session began with Jeff Pattison, the Legislative Budget Assistant who is also a Laconia resident, giving the crowd a capsulized view of the proposed $2.8 billion, two-year budget with a rundown of proposed cuts and tax...

Vanessa Sievers – Montana or NH resident?

Apparently people in Grafton County are not happy with their new, no-show, money-losing County Treasurer, 20-year old Vanessa Sievers. According to a document dated 8/13/2008, Sievers contributed $216.00 to DNC Services Corp. citing her LEGAL address...

NH Rep Vows to Fight Kindergarten Mandate

Good for you, Rep. Lars Christiansen for having the guts and tenacity to stand up for the rights of the voters. All too often we see a vote taken and then the town officials completely ignore the mandate. The Town of Hudson has voted at least 4 or 5 times NOT to offer...

Obama, NH Democrats will hurt retired and elderly

March 21, 2009 Nashua Telegraph CONCORD – The House tax-writing committee endorsed new taxes on capital gains and estates to help support the next two-year state budget. “They were recommended because they were needed for the budget,” said state Rep. Susan...

Sunshine Week focuses on open records

This is National Sunshine Week. In the following piece, the repeal of the secrecy laws that kept government records out of the public eye for so long, is championed by the Executive Director of Pennsylvania’s new Office of Open Records. He is charged with making...