It’s Official – SB2 No Different Than Town Meeting

Atty David Connell from the Local Government Center (former NH Municipal Association) was at the a forum recently held in Meredith, NH on 3/3/2009. The paragraph below is an excerpt of the article printed in the Laconia Daily Sun on 3/4/2009, page 8, about the...

View Tax is Subjective, Unfair

This piece is reprinted with permission from the author. It was also printed in Foster’s. Like most people, I have an aversion to injustice. Here in the “Live Free or Die” state of New Hampshire, a glaring example of injustice is the levying of an odious view...

Student Elected to Local Office – How’s That Working?

If there is any danger to allowing out-of-state college students to vote, a bigger one is allowing them to run for local offices about which they have no knowledge or interest. One such incidence of this happened last November when Vanessa Sievers, a resident from Big...

MIC: Postpone Motorcycle Sound Level Legislation (HB 95)

Update February 13, 2009 HB 95 – FAIL Motorcycle Industry Council Urges New Hampshire To Postpone Motorcycle Sound Level Legislation RVINE, Calif., Jan. 26, 2009 – The Motorcycle Industry Council has urged the New Hampshire House Transportation Committee...

NH Gets Advice From Outside Sources on Water Management

The State of NH has published a new Water Resources Primer. It outlines water management with regard to land development, climate change, infrastructure management and data gathering.. According to the DES website, “The Water Resources Primer was developed to...

Nashua seeks to circumvent RTK

February 9, 2009 Nashua Telegraph City seeking right to hold shut sessions Law breach prompts bill to tweak Right-to-Know Law NASHUA – After breaking the law by meeting in secret session to talk about the proposed teachers contract last year, city officials are now...