Did the Governor Really Have to ASK?

Did the governor of NH really think he had to ask the supreme court if requiring proof of residency to vote was constitutional? What is NH coming to? by Ed Naile As NH one again descends into the nonsensical debate over a word not even in the New Hampshire State...

CNHT Responds to Claims of No Fraud

WMUR reports: Exhaustive Investigation Reveals Little Evidence of Possible Voter Fraud in NH Real simple. This current, fake, NH AG voter fraud investigation another last-ditch effort to cover-up the thousands of out of state voters swaying NH General Elections and...

The Team Sticks Together!

by Ed Naile The mentality of “We are a team with special status” pervades all. This is what you are up against when it comes to keeping government accountable. One look at “The Swamp” in Washington, DC shows definitively how power, money, and influence alter the way...

Tax Day Forum April 17, 2018

On April 17th 2018, US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and “advisor” to the President, Ivanka Trump, came to New Hampshire to speak at a forum about taxes. This is what we gleaned from the subject of internet taxes. As you may have heard, Trump has been...

Budget Committee and Voters Have Their Say in Dublin

The voters in Dublin, population 1,575, turned down extra hours for an office assistant, so she is leaving. This made news. Sentinel Source – Town meeting vote prompts Dublin employee to resign The important part of the issue is what the voters and budget...