Could lose job leading Atkinson police force ATKINSON — Police Chief Philip Consentino could be out of a job in March — if voters approve a warrant article that would significantly change the position. And that’s not all. In addition to heading the Police...
Right-to-Know faces unclear changes CONCORD – Depending on who you ask, changes to the Right-to-Know law in House Bill 53 are either legislative housekeeping or an assault on the public’s access to information. Rep. Jim Garrity, a co-sponsor of the bill, said...
Proposal draws fire from Claremont city officials CLAREMONT — Cynthia Coolidge Howard, along with 300 other Claremont residents, have petitioned city council and the mayor asking for deep cuts in the city budget and more citizen involvement in the process. At...
January 18, 2009 New Hampshire (partial text) We hate to keep banging on the subject of the proposal to license saltwater anglers, but some new and interesting ideas came from New Jersey’s Regional Fishing Alliance that have not been raised here in the Granite State....
January 17, 2009 Newburyport News N.H. proposes ‘open tolling’ in Hampton HAMPTON, N.H. — A Sunday evening traffic jam at the Hampton tolls is as much a part of local summers as baseball and beach pizza. But as soon as next year, sitting in five miles of...
Eagle Tribune EXETER — A throng of local officials, armed with bills from the December ice storm, packed the Exeter town office yesterday morning for a face-to-face meeting with decision makers from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Earlier this month, the...