Town Meetings and SB2 Secret Ballot

It boils down to this: If you own property in New Hampshire, you can’t afford to ignore Town Meeting season. The thousands of dollars charged on your tax bill don’t appear out of nowhere. They’re based on decisions made by residents. In most New...

Finding new revenue won’t fix our state budget

January 8, 2009 Union Leader As a new legislative sessions starts, it is time for New Hampshire’s representatives to realize the consequences of their actions. Reading Rep. Roger Wells’ Tuesday op-ed (“State has little choice but to find new...

Four more years of Lynch? No thanks

January 6, 2009 Seacoast Online PORTSMOUTH — State Sen. Martha Fuller Clark hopes a new bill on an old idea will gain the support of the Legislature and change the term of governor from two years to four. Fuller Clark, D-Portsmouth, has sponsored a bill she said will...

40 Strafford County layoffs confirmed; budget to be unveiled today

January 5, 2009 Fosters DOVER — County commissioners this morning will unveil a budget featuring only a 2.85 percent tax increase from last year, but it doesn’t come without a cost — 40 full-time county employees were laid off Friday, County Commission Chair...

“Workforce” housing law – what right?

January 4, 2009 Nashua Telegraph With the state’s new work-force housing law taking effect in July, some towns are pushing ahead to meet the new requirements. But some towns just won’t have it all figured out. The law says towns must provide the opportunity for...

Town of Merrimack Seeks Spending Cap

New Media Militia Citizens in Merrimack have formally announced their intention to add a spending and tax cap amendment to the town charter this year. The petition committee paperwork will be filed Monday January 5th at the Merrimack town hall by Matt Murphy, a...