by Ed Naile As NH breathlessly closes in on Secretary of State William Gardner’s big voter fraud reveal, scheduled for some time in June, people keep asking me, “What do you think he will find?” Let me give my best answer. Back in November 2017, Orville “Bud” Fitch...
by Ed Naile I was informed yesterday that a radio program discussing voter fraud in NH featured Secretary of State William Gardner essentially “opening the books” on voter fraud statistics and prosecutions to a reporter. Here is what I found: NHPR: Bill Gardner on...
RTKNH took part in a panel discussion last week to help celebrate Sunshine Week. A summary of the event held Monday 3/12/18 at the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications in Manchester is HERE. Video of the event: 03/12/18 Right to Know Law Panel Discussion Nackey...
Fellow Taxpayer, Election Day Tuesday March 13 is a crucial day for the Sanborn School District and taxpayers. Re-electing Dr. Pam Brown (Newton) is very important to maintain balance on the School Board. Pam is being contested for her seat, because those who have...
by Ed Naile I have an issue I didn’t have time to write about when it happened. It is still a nice look into NH’s Deep State. This August 20, 2017 there appeared an op-ed in the Concord paper from David Scanlon of the NH Secretary of State’s Office, explains how...
by Ed Naile It looks like the bullying of a potential political opponent on top of the bullying of her daughter has ended over at NH’s most superintendent-dysfunctional cooperative school. That would be Timberlane – back in the news again. The top Timberlane school...