A New Vote Fraudster From the Bernie Sanders 2016 Campaign!?

by Ed Naile And we have a winner – a new scum bag vote fraudster from the Bernie Sanders 2016 Campaign! Thanks to Veritas Action and James O’Keefe we have the name of the, are you ready, “National Director of Something or Other” who picks up Australians at the...

Update on Project Veritas Subpoena by NH AG

by Ed Naile Update: While delivering a hard drive of the raw footage to Governor Hassan (and on YouTube to the entire world) from all three recent New Hampshire videos, James O’Keefe was served with a Grand Jury subpoena ordering him to surrender the video. “As far as...

Australian Labour Party Aids NH Democrats

Australian Labor Party Assisting Democratic US Campaigns in Violation of Campaign Finance Laws Project Veritas Action has just released a new video in a series which features undercover journalists exposing additional election law irregularities involving the Bernie...

Vote Thief Mariel Brown-Fallon Defined

by Ed Naile Next up to bat is vote thief Mariel Brown-Fallon, supposedly of 59 Hosley St in Manchester, NH. Mariel is registered to vote in Vermont where she belongs, and we are checking to see if she is registered to vote in Gardner Ma., where her parents live. Until...

Wisconsin Will Pursue Carl R. Gibson

Carl Robert Gibson was arrested in NH for impersonating a Republican candidate in an effort to derail her campaign for a special election in on the Coalition of NH Taxpayers radar. We found him registered in at least four states, and we are, one by one, having him...