NC Cooperates on NH Voter Fraud

Jay Delancy, President of the Voter Integrity Project of NC called in to GAL this morning to talk about voter fraud. Ed Naile of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers identified Delancy’s organization on Wednesday’s edition of A Question of Voter Fraud. Like CNHT, VIP-NC is a...

Lets Play “Connect The Moonbats”

by Ed Naile Have you seen this story yet, the one about the progressive Democrat Iowa State Senator, Bruce Braley, who has to apologize to Republican US Senator Charles Grassley? The guy has a communications problem – he told the truth about himself and it was caught...

If You Are From Iowa, Running For Office, Call Me

by Ed Naile Good news everybody! Our old friend, 2012 NH vote thief, Janice Rottenberg, has updated her LinkedIn page and she has a new political gig as the “Coordinated Campaign Field Director at Iowa Democratic Party”. Janice Rottenberg on LinkedIn Let...

Caitlin Ann Legacki, “Extreme Voter” Update

by Ed Naile I keep track of our vote thieves here in NH and recently checked out former “Little Miss Everywhere” on Google. 8,600 sites showed up mentioning her name. The top 13 were about her vote stealing in NH while she was in Mo. working on the Senator McCaskill...

Biden is Nuts

by Ed Naile Of all the people to come out against Photo I.D. to vote we have the U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. Biden: New Voter ID Laws Tied to Hatred It probably isn’t news to Biden that we caught his niece Alana Biden voting illegally here in NH from the 145...