Alexandra Perez-Caballero, Absentee Voter From S.C.

by Ed Naile Meet Alexandra Isabel Perez-Caballero, New Hampshire absentee voter in Manchester – still on the checklist. I have provided her LinkedIn page. Alexandra is so typical of your non-resident Organizing for Obama’s America voter. She went to work for political...

Alexandra Perez-Caballero OFA Vote Thief

Meet Alexandra Perez-Cabballero, absentee voter from 145 Steinmetz Dr. in Manchester, by way of Organizing for America and South Carolina where she lives and works – for a police department: Data Support Clerk at South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED)...

Rep. Cindy Roswenwald (D Nashua) Represents Who?

by Ed Naile Just try and wrap your skull around this. Voter fraud flophouse owner State Rep. Cindy Rosenwald (D Nashua) is proposing a bill in the New Hampshire House to give voting rights, in Congress, to residents of Washington D.C. – NOT Washington, NH.,...

A Short Film About Voter Fraud

by Ed Naile Here is a short film about voter fraud starring former UNH professor Julian Smith. He is the creepy old guy who looks like he smells funny. Smith is also a Durham Town Councilor. He is the one working the crowd of same day registering students. If the...

Notice The Smarmy Liberals Don’t Want To Talk About Voter Fraud?

by Ed Naile Great news from the NH Grass-roots Voter Fraud Research Center. (I just made that up, but we are funded entirely through a secret handshake grant from Halliburton.) Here is the news: From an exhaustive search through all the sources available to us, we...

Welcome To Hingham, Ma.

Zoning as a weapon against the lower classes is always at play in progressive communities. That is its main purpose. Check this news item about our pals in Hingham, Ma. Hingham Weights Noise Ordinance That Could Ban Loud Conversations Draft: Hingham Noise Law No loud...