Black’s Law Dictionary and Domicile

by Ed Naile In the New Hampshire Constitution the word ‘domicile’ is used to establish voting rights. Just the word domicile is used, no other description is needed. Domicile is a word that in law means, one’s legal residence, or legal place of...

UN to Oversee 44 Locations During US Elections

Well it’s finally happened… The United Nations was called in by the NAACP to monitor 44 locations in the USA who recently passed new voter ID laws. Their job is to “spot human rights violations”. Interestingly, where were they when the Black...

New NH Voter ID Law Makes Trial Run

by Ed Naile Most say voting went smoothly Around 7:20 in this video [since removed], the group ‘Democracy Now’ is reporting that people were turned away from the polls because of not having sufficient Voter ID in NH on September 11, 2012. [Article and...

Vermont Threatens O’Keefe

Vermont Secretary of State James Condos is threatening videographer James O’Keefe with criminal investigation for his Project Veritas exposé of voter fraud in the state. Read the full story at Vt Wants to Investigate O’Keefe, Not Voter Fraud After a...

Thank You Al Sharpton – Keep Voter Fraud Alive In The News

by Ed Naile Help comes from the strangest places: Nashua City Clerk Paul Bergeron, Lying About Voter Fraud in NH on Al Sharpton’s Show Nashua City Clerk Paul Bergeron, explaining why O’Keefe was committing fraud by exposing it: “Yes, you don`t prove...

NH Plagued With Voter Fraud – O’Keefe Exposes It

by Ed Naile And the Governor is still claiming it does not exist… In typical liberal double-speak, Little Green Footballs website, as well some people quoted in the Union Leader – Polls video slammed as a ‘fraud’ are trying to claim that James...