Voter Fraud in NH – How It’s Done

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link: The Herald had yet another story, this time it was real. [Excerpt from archived article] Would-be dead man voter stopped at polls By Joe Battenfeld Tuesday, January 10, 2012 – Updated 3...

Push to Abolish Electoral College

It’s called the National Popular Vote and some states have passed resolutions supporting it. NH legislators have put forth resolutions toward this end as well. 2012-H-2221-R relative to electoral college elections. HB Sponsors: (Prime) Weed, Charles –...

VOTER ID: Governor Lynch Vetoes Integrity and Honesty

by Richard Olson, Jr. Governor Lynch Vetoes SB 129 which NH had approved. Irony. A considerable number of facets of our every-day lives require us to produce identification. Not producing an identification means not obtaining the good or service we seek. More often...

Stop Being Manipulated

These articles are probably more important than reading Alinsky. If you have ever been to a Frank Luntz focus group, you will understand how this works. It is essential that you know how to fight the Delphi method; otherwise you are wasting your time attending any...

Letter to NH Senators on HB 164

To the New Hampshire State Senators: Currently HB 164 is pending in the Senate Education Committee. HB 164 was passed in the House and it authorizes the New Hampshire Legislature the sole authority to adopt Common Core Standards (National Standards). Nationalizing...

Voter Fraud in NH 2011

by Ed Naile You may have read about the attempts by some members of the NH House to limit voter fraud in our Presidential Primary State. So let me show you how each party is trying to promote their cause, be it election integrity or promotion of non-resident voting...