Agenda 21 Part III: Maryland County Abolishes Agenda 21

…now for the rest of the country Agenda 21 Part III: Maryland County abolishes Agenda 21 – now it’s your turn is a story about one County in Maryland that has dumped the UN’s ICLEI. The November elections marked a sea change in the political...

This Would Violate NH’s Laws

Parents beware. If you get any sort of email that suggests you vote for anything, or support a candidate or cause, and it comes by way of your children in the form of a flyer, mailer, or email, it is illegal in NH because it violates our compelled speech laws. Public...

NH Posts Pension Data

NH Retirement System Annuity Amounts 2009 See the pension database here.

Our Schools are Key to Societal ‘Transformation’

This report was prepared in 1997 for an Orange County School Board Hearing. Judging from how these failed goals and methods are still being pushed, we wonder how much of this warning was understood? For those who are career educators, much of this should sound...

PJ O’Rourke at CNHT

PJ gave his usually satirical commentary on the state of politics and politicians today. Feeling a bit nervous that the crowd wouldn’t shut up, he immediately put my mind at ease by turning that situation into a statement on how things should be. The rest of the...

For Hollis: Schools Should Get Back to Basics

The Hollis School System has hired some ‘education industry consultants’ and is about to go over a cliff… if anyone can decipher what ‘changes’ are being described from the educational ‘newspeak’ contained in this Hollis...