Home School Alert (SB 503)

This is an update on SB 503 which will come to the floor of the House for a FULL VOTE on May 12, 2010. The session begins at 10:00 AM. Call them at home or email them and tell them not to jeopardize your children’s privacy to chase federal money. Tell them that...

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

Wisconsin and the Voter Fraud Agenda Democrats are pushing to weaken ballot security at the state and national level. Have they forgotten the 2000 election? by John Fund Milwaukee An attempt to hijack the state’s election laws and open the door for voter fraud...

Yes We Can

This commentary by NH Senator Jeb Bradley (R) District 3 sums up the dire situation which NH and US citizens are facing… Can You Believe It? Unfortunately, Yes We Can!  by NH Senator Jeb Bradley Joe Castiglione, the inestimable radio play-by-play announcer of...

Resignation Requested of Teeny-Bopper Grafton County Treasurer

by Ed Naile Treasurer for Grafton County, Vanessa Sievers, was asked to resign by vote of the Executive Committee meeting on Monday, April 19th, 2010 (of which Sievers missed). CNHT had questioned the residency requirement of Sievers, who is a college student and also...

CNHT Joins NTU in Opposing Cigarette Tax

Today, The Coalition of NH Taxpayers joined the Granite State Taxpayers in opposing the NH Legislature’s potential to hike the cigarette tax by signing on to a letter to the Legislators from the National Taxpayers Union. The letter from the NTU states in part:...