Controversial Tax Summit Raises Concerns

A controversial tax summit, arranged by Representative Susan Almy and Speaker of the House Terie Norelli, went into its second session today at 9:00 AM. Some critics of the event say that because it is closed to public comment and entertains the pro-tax positions of...

Legislators Tax Summit is an Out Of State Charade

Submitted to To the Editor: House Speaker Terie Norelli (D-Portsmouth) and state Rep. Susan Almy (D-Grafton) have arranged for a “tax summit” before the New Hampshire House Ways and Means Committee, Oct. 21-22. The public can attend but may not speak or...

Lynch Signs UN Agreement

October 2, 2009 United Nations Development Programme Newsroom Agreements reached at Summit send powerful message to negotiators in Copenhagen Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and United Nations officials today joined with 30 global leaders in Los Angeles, at the closing...

Conservation Easements are a Sustainable Development Land Grab

by Clarice Ryan AmericanPolicy.Org One of the prime targets of the Sustainability movement is the acquisition and control of private property of this country and the natural resources contained. The Conservation Easement provides the tools, techniques and motivations...

International Baccalaureate (IB) Must be Eliminated from U.S. Schools

September 27, 2009 by Lisa McLoughlin Truth About IB Editor’s Note: This is just one aspect of the attempt to internationalize our citizens; working through our educational system either by federal mandate or insidious programs such as this one that claim to be...

Souter’s Blight

September 25, 2009 Associate Press Eminent domain land sits undeveloped Four years after the Kelo vs New London decision, Justice Souter’s vote to allow the city to take private property for development has been deemed a ‘hollow victory’. The area is...