How Cap and Tax Will Hurt NH

September 24, 2009 Americans for Tax Reform Both Congressman Paul Hodes and Congressman Carol Shea-Porter voted YES on the “Cap and Trade” legislation that is currently before the US Senate. This bill, better known as the Waxman-Markey bill, is also...

Taxpayers and Patriots Head to DC

September 12, 2009 Taxpayers, patriots and freedom lovers of all ages, colors, and walks of life headed down to DC to form a nearly 2 million strong ribbon of people that stretched a mile from the Capitol. Videos, photos and stories are still pouring into the NH Tea...

Rochester Residents Must Reject “Big Picture” Schools

For the Rochester Concerned Taxpayers Association by Jane Aitken (updated 3/24/2012) It has come to my attention that the City of Rochester is being asked to consider the construction of a second, ‘small’ high school. While I do not dispute the idea that...

Obama’s Stimulus a Farce in New Hampshire

August 24, 2009 by Warner Todd Huston One of the first states to attempt to tally the “new jobs” that Obama’s stimulus created has issued its first report and the news is rather discreditable to say the least. New Hampshire’s Director of the Economic Stimulus, Bud...

Preserving local control — will it be possible?

NH is already under threat of the institution of programs and reforms that do NOT come from the local taxpayers and parents but from places like the National Governor’s Association, agreements with other states, or worse yet, crazy schemes from rock stars like...

Alaska did it, what’s wrong with NH?

July 20, 2009 World Net Daily What a shame NH, the Live Free or Die state, could not reaffirm what is already in the Constitution? Palin to feds: Alaska is sovereign state Constitutional rights reasserted in growing resistance to Washington Gov. Sarah Palin has signed...