Bedford chooses fuzzy math

January 2009 This is the Union Leader article as it appeared in the McGraw-Hill’s Wright Group magazine. This report provides the rebuttal and evidence that CMP is considered a ‘fuzzy math’ program. An Evaluation of CMP by R. James Milgram This...

Deval Patrick go home

January 23, 2009 Boston Globe Patrick interested in placing tolls at the border Governor Deval Patrick said today that he was interested in placing tolls on vehicles on interstate highways at the state’s borders and that his administration had already contacted...

Oregon might tax motorists per mile driven, not per gallon

First here is an article from June 13, 2006 in the Seattle Times PORTLAND — If a test drive of mileage-based fees for drivers pans out during the next 10 months, it could replace Oregon’s gas tax and serve as a national model for road funding in the future....

Democrats now party of the rich study finds

from November 23, 2007 by Donald Lambro Democrats party of rich, study finds Democrats like to define themselves as the party of poor and middle-income Americans, but a new study says they now represent the majority of the nation’s wealthiest congressional...

High-tech Marxism comes to America

January 13, 2009 by Bev Eakman Deep down, most Americans once thought they were immune from blatant propaganda, government-sanctioned media-bias and psychiatric hospitals-cum-prisons — hallmarks of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich and Josef Stalin’s...

Jeanne Shaheen Supports the Loss of Your Voting Privacy

George McGovern Opposes EFCA At issue with a different type of ballot voting, labor leaders are trying to pass a bill in Congress that would effectively eliminate employees’ right to vote in private when deciding to join a union. Even liberal George McGovern opposed...