How NH Discriminates Against Legal Voters

by Ed Naile This is how NH discriminates against its own qualified NH citizen voters: Under current unconstitutional “state law” a non-resident voter can give a “domicile address” for voting. His out of state “residence” remains exempt from RSA 91-A. Example: A...

Socialist Bernie Sanders Has a Democrat Primary Opponent in Vermont!

Socialist Bernie Sanders Has a Democrat Primary Opponent in Vermont! by Ed Naile In a pathetically liberal state run by New Yorkers and rich Connecticut elites, anyone wishing to run against the establishment must do more than take the Socialist Party Purity Pledge....

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe: Trump Bent on Voter Suppression

by Ed Naile Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe has stated that the Trump election integrity commission just might be bent on committing voter suppression. What Are They Hiding? Democrat State Officials Refuse to Assist President Trump’s Voter Fraud Investigation Is...