To understand what Rep. Henle’s NH Tax Shift Plan is all about, please read back to previous efforts to impose a broad-based tax on NH residents. Susan Almy’s Tax ‘Summit’ Henle’s plan seems to be a bill from 2015, but you never know when...
The Republican Liberty Caucus has put up an informative website regarding the expansion of Medicaid in NH.
The New Hampshire Senate MAJORITY OFFICE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 5, 2013 CONTACT Tom Cronin 603.264.5659 GOP Members of Joint Health Care Oversight Committee Call Out Governor Hassan on Broken Promises and Lack of Transparency Concord, NH – Republican...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APRIL 3rd, 2013 Contact: 603-271-3665 House Republican Leaders Comment on Passage of Fiscally Irresponsible Budget CONCORD – House Republican Leader Gene Chandler (R-Bartlett) and Ranking Republican on the House Finance Committee, Rep. Neal Kurk...
The NH GOP has put up a website asking you to sign their petition. On February 14, 2013 Gov. Maggie Hassan presented a budget proposal for the next biennium that includes increased taxes, $184.2 million in increased general fund spending and relies on $80 million in...
Delmar Burridge, (D) Cheshire District 16, is seen here promoting a bill that would allow “counties to adopt a county income tax to be administered by the department of revenue administration.” The bill is co-sponsored by Timothy Robertson (D) Cheshire...