Jim Forsythe on the LLC Tax

Jim Forsythe spoke to Brian Tilton of WTPL 107.7 FM at the LLC tax hearing on December 16, 2009. Listen: Visit: NHRLC and RLCNH

Lovejoy, Groen and Forsythe Statement on LLC Tax

Update: Public Hearing on LLC Tax will be on December 16, 2009 at Howard Recreation Center (Gov Hugh Gallen Campus) across from the DRA building. Park in the DRA parking lot at 109 Pleasant Street in Concord. The hearing will still be held at 10:00 AM. Former Sen....

Stop the Spending Summit Standing Room Only

Here are some resources that came of the House Republicans’ “Stop the Spending Summit”: Grant Bosse Live Blogging Charles Arlinghaus, Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy Presentation Former NH HHS Commissioner John Stephen Presentation NH Center...

Controversial Tax Summit Raises Concerns

A controversial tax summit, arranged by Representative Susan Almy and Speaker of the House Terie Norelli, went into its second session today at 9:00 AM. Some critics of the event say that because it is closed to public comment and entertains the pro-tax positions of...

Legislators Tax Summit is an Out Of State Charade

Submitted to Cabinet.com To the Editor: House Speaker Terie Norelli (D-Portsmouth) and state Rep. Susan Almy (D-Grafton) have arranged for a “tax summit” before the New Hampshire House Ways and Means Committee, Oct. 21-22. The public can attend but may not speak or...

GSFTC Confusing Voters Again

According to Cabinet.com the so-called Granite State ‘Fair Tax’ Coalition (NOT to be confused with the Coalition of NH Taxpayers) is coming to speak to Bedford voters on the 23rd. Their leader Rev. Exner stated: “Our group does not favor any one...