Lynch Claims Budget is Balanced

But former Budget Director says otherwise… (CONCORD) In his annual State of the State address to the Legislature, New Hampshire Governor John Lynch stated that “In 2009, the worst year of the recession, we balanced the budget.” But Lynch’s former Budget Director...

The State of Our State

N.H. Democrats fiddled while economy burned January 17, 2010 by Rep. David Bettencourt There is an old myth that “Nero fiddled while Rome burned.” Here in New Hampshire, the Democrats have fiddled us back to a 1960s counter-cultural radicalism while the...

Jeff Goley and the Income Tax

Jeff Goley (D) will be opposing David Boutin (R) in the general election for Senate District 16 on February 16, 2010. CNHT is opposed to a statewide income or sales tax. We ask that all candidates running in any 2010 election for NH House or Senate who have not done...

Sunday January 10 Close Up on WMUR

This Sunday at 10:00 AM don’t miss Close-Up on WMUR! Watch as Ray Buckley, Chair of the NH Democrats, struggles to defend the disastrous small business income tax, the Democrats’ reckless spending in Concord, and the Obama Administration’s failure to...

Lynch Signs Agreement to Limit CO2

According to the NH Governor’s office, John Lynch did not sign a UN Climate Declaration in advance of the Copenhagen Summit despite the fact that the UN still lists him as a signer. This is troubling. Let’s see how he wriggles out of this one: Northeast,...

We’ll LL See You Three More Times

December 17, 2009 by Ed Naile Yesterday’s NH Dept. of Revenue LLC tax hearing went well, as long as you were not the NH Commissioner of Revenue who was trying to explain to about 250-300 people how his department “Goes after everybody”. I expected a lot of angry...