Desperate for a Republican scandal, the other Democrat activist journalist, this time from the Nashua Paper, goes the full monty on the long dead, never was a scandal, issue of who runs the most corrupt public-non-profit in NH – the New Hampshire Municipal...
Katrina Lipinsky – New York voter and Organizing for Obama chick. Here is who is stealing your vote. If you ever wondered what the Obama campaign is doing here in NH until 2014 with all the data they have collected on you and me from the 2008 and 2012 elections,...
by Ed Naile I was looking at an article in the Goffstown News about a controversy regarding several gifts of land by private citizens to the Town of Goffstown. What could be the problem? Trust is the problem when you deal with some municipalities. And here we go. The...
As predicted would happen, one of the PR firms that is being used by the Regional Planning Commissions to shape the debate and guarantee the outcome for the benefit of the American Planning Association’s implementation of the federal HUD/EPA/DOT’s...
by Ed Naile, Chair In light of the kinder gentler way moonbat Democrats planned on running Concord (dry of money again) we have a situation involving a nasty tempered lefty and her inability to control her pie hole. Check this out: Dear Madam Speaker, I must register...
William Ayers, the self-proclaimed communist revolutionary, is but one teacher mentor. A member of the KGB-supported terrorist group known as the Weather Underground, Ayers summed up the ideology of his movement as follows: “Kill all the rich people. Break up...