South Hadley Mass

by Ed Naile Rejoice South Hadley Massachusetts You are the winners! Your Selectmen hired the notorious manager of municipal mayhem, Paul Beecher – upon the repeated warnings of several of us who have had dealings with him in the past – but only in three other states....

Lynch Signs Agreement to Limit CO2

According to the NH Governor’s office, John Lynch did not sign a UN Climate Declaration in advance of the Copenhagen Summit despite the fact that the UN still lists him as a signer. This is troubling. Let’s see how he wriggles out of this one: Northeast,...

South Hadley HIRES Paul Beecher

South Hadley appoints Paul G. Beecher town administrator “SOUTH HADLEY – Selectmen Tuesday voted 4-1 to appoint Paul G. Beecher, the former city manager of Dover, N.H., the new town administrator here contingent on successful negotiations. With full...

Beecher Finalist in South Hadley Mass

by Ed Naile Keep track of your cell phone, count his emails, look for steam marks on your sealed bids, check regularly for secret employment contracts – Sh..ty Manager Paul Beecher finally landed new gig! And the winner is…South Hadley Massachusetts!!! We will...

GSFTC Confusing Voters Again

According to the so-called Granite State ‘Fair Tax’ Coalition (NOT to be confused with the Coalition of NH Taxpayers) is coming to speak to Bedford voters on the 23rd. Their leader Rev. Exner stated: “Our group does not favor any one...