Atkinson Town Bullies At It Again

If this incident doesn’t speak to the fact that private ballot voting is necessary for town and school meetings we don’t know what does. In the town of Atkinson, where moderators think it’s OK to have residents vote away the rights of some while...

A vote against HCR 6 is a violation of your oath of office

“A vote against HCR 6 is a violation of your oath of office” was seen on a sign directed at legislators in this video of the rally for HCR 6, a states’ rights bill which would have reaffirmed the NH Constitution. 216 Reps just didn’t care. (See...

House Members Vote in Violation of Oath of Office

In a stunning denial of their oath of office, members of the House of Representatives today voted 216-150 (Yea) to defeat HCR 6, the bill that sought to reaffirm the US and NH Constitutions. Click here to see who violated their oath of office. A massive rally was held...

Bankrupting the Village: Timeline of Bedford

Note: This is the last of a series of articles on how the Bedford School Industry Spenders hurt the community of Bedford just as we predicted their actions would. We offer you the timeline after revisiting some related articles from 2003-2006 before the new school was...

Democrat legislature must face $600 deficit

February 1, 2009 Union Leader NH facing a $600m problem, meanwhile, waiting for bailout money How’s Lynch’s budget? In a word, unsettled. Not only is there an estimated $500 million shortfall in revenues to pay for the next two years, there’s also...