Hearing on CACR 3 Parental Rights

There will be a House Education Hearing on Tuesday, January 29th at 1:15 PM in LOB room 207 relative to CACR 3, relating to parental rights. CACR 3 would provide that parents have the natural right to control the health, education, and welfare of their children....

Permission for Student Mental Health Exams (HB 384)

HB 384 would require parental consent prior to a mental health examination in public schools. The House Education Committee will hear this bill on 2/7/2013 at 10:00 AM in LOB room 207. Please write to the Committee to SUPPORT this bill.

Who is Teaching the Teachers?

William Ayers, the self-proclaimed communist revolutionary, is but one teacher mentor. A member of the KGB-supported terrorist group known as the Weather Underground, Ayers summed up the ideology of his movement as follows: “Kill all the rich people. Break up...

Bill Would Merge SAUs (SB 23)

SB 23 is a bill to study the consolidation of SAU’s, (School Adminstrative Units) which centralizes power into the hands of a few. Better to eliminate SAU’s entirely and restore local self-governance. SB 23 would direct the school administrative unit...