What You Should Know About Regional Planning

As you know HB 1403, a bill to investigate the agenda and content of the IB program, was not successful in the NH Senate. However, it will be back since the House of Representatives understands that this IB program is merely ‘education for Agenda 21’ which...

Homeschool Freedom (HB 545 and HB 1571)

Homeschool Freedom Hearing Friday May 4, 2012 These homeschool freedom bills still need your help. The Senate Education Committee has scheduled an executive session and is expected to take action on HB 545 and HB 1571 this Friday, May 4, 2012.. These bills would...

Students Promised Day Off for Political Activism

We wrote about why the NH Senate should support HB 1403 which recently passed the NH House by 2-1 margin. We cited the improper use of activism as one reason for rejecting IB, as promoted by the UN in the case of the International Baccalaureate program which claims to...

Take CACR 8 Off the Table!

Take CACR 8 Off the Table and Pass It: Restore Educational Standards and Funding Decisions to the People CACR 8, the best constitutional fix to the Claremont decision, did not get the necessary 239 votes to pass the House last month. The vote was 222-133, just 17...

Fix Home Education Law (HB 1571)

HB 1571 eliminates the requirement for home educators to submit an annual evaluation with their participating agency. It also eliminates probation and termination procedures that can be used against a home schooling family. This Homeschool Freedom bill protects the...

Senate Hearing on HB 1403 May 1

It is very important that public school parents, home school parents, and taxpayers alike show up and testify on the importance of passing HB 1403 if they wish to keep our tax dollars from going out of the country to pay for a program, International Baccalaureate,...