NH Senate Must Pass HB 1403

HB 1403 will bring back local control. There is no excuse for a foreign political group to be directing education in New Hampshire’s schools. Read more about this at the Bedford Patch Television show on The Case Against IB Ann Marie Banfield speaks to Rich...

Foreign Control of Schools (HB 1403)

Education expert Ann Marie Banfield speaks to Rich Girard on air about HB 1403 and why it must pass. HB 1403 would look into the practice of allowing the United Nations to run our schools via the International Baccalaureate Program (IB). Bedford currently offers the...

April 17 Hearing on HB 1175, 1571, 545, 1607

The hearing times have been set for the upcoming public hearing before the Senate Education Committee: APRIL 17th in the Legislative Office Building in Concord, Room 103 1:00 pm HB 1175, wrt membership of cooperative school district budget comm. 1:20 pm HB 1571,...

Parental Rights (HB 1571)

The right to educate your child as YOU SEE FIT is one of the most basic rights protected in our US and NH Constitutions. To think the state would try to control this is beyond imagination. HB 1571 will have a public hearing scheduled for 17th of April a little after...

Support Drivers Ed Online (HB 1440)

The supporters of the Driver Ed Bill would like you to attend the bill’s public hearing in front of the Senate Transportation Committee on Thursday, April 5th at 10:30 AM in Legislative Office Building Rooms 306 & 308, 33 North Street, Concord NH. Senators need...

ICLEI in Nashua

Did you know that Nashua is an ICLEI city? Did you know that ICLEI is a “Local Governments for sustainable development” program, in the model of UN Agenda21? “ICLEI is an international association of local governments as well as national and regional...