Claremont Rejects All Spending!

Reports from Claremont are that all spending articles were defeated soundly. Even though the default budget will increase property taxes by $1.40 per $1,000, the taxpayers sent a message! Valley News Article

Victory for Claremont

Claremont taxpayers won another victory on Friday, March 11, 2011 when the NH Supreme Court ruled against a revote for the Claremont School District $22.9 Million High School Bond. Claremont is one of the highest tax cities in NH, and a bond would have even caused...

Education Funding Reform (CACR 12)

Next Wednesday, March 9th is the date for this. The SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION FUNDING REFORM will hold a public hearing on a constitutional amendment, CACR 12, at 9:30 AM in the LOB 207. Here’s the amendment that Speaker O’Brien presented to the...

Activists Run for Local Office

This is not an endorsement of any candidate in particular. We would like to remind you again that your town and school meetings are very important and not to miss them! Check with your town for dates of the meetings, deliberative sessions, and SB 2 elections. Local...

The Cost of Defining “Adequate” in Merrimack NH

The Cost of Defining “Adequate” In Merrimack NH by Steve MacDonald A funny thing happened on the way to the ‘off-hand comment’ on the Merrimack TEA Facebook page. I was accused of not using “real and accurate data” and that my...

Fairness in Education Funding (HB 340)

HB 340 is a bill that would allow abatements from the education property tax for each resident taxpayer’s child who is not enrolled in a public elementary or secondary school. The bill also allows a municipality to elect to grant an additional abatement from the...