For Hollis: Schools Should Get Back to Basics

The Hollis School System has hired some ‘education industry consultants’ and is about to go over a cliff… if anyone can decipher what ‘changes’ are being described from the educational ‘newspeak’ contained in this Hollis...

Update on NH’s Bullying Law (HB 1523)

What Parents Need to Know About NH’s New Bullying Law As most of you are aware, this past session, the NH legislature passed and Governor Lynch signed into law a revised anti-bullying statute, HB 1523. The new law effects every school district in the state in...

Claremont School Bond Extension Opposed

District 8 State Senator, Bob Odell is submitting a technical amendment to SB 486 due to the recent denial of Claremont’s school re-vote of Judge Mangones in superior court regarding the Stevens High School renovation project (22.9 million bond); this amendment...

An Ominous Precedent for Homeschoolers

The Home School Legal Defense Association recently filed a friend of the court brief in a New Hampshire custody case because the trial court’s decision could detrimentally affect homeschoolers. The New Hampshire Family Court ordered a homeschool girl into public...

Home School Alert (SB 503)

This is an update on SB 503 which will come to the floor of the House for a FULL VOTE on May 12, 2010. The session begins at 10:00 AM. Call them at home or email them and tell them not to jeopardize your children’s privacy to chase federal money. Tell them that...