Tax Fighter Shakes up Croydon School Board

Jim and Cathy Peschke are freedom fighters who moved to Croydon. Jim was elected to the school board. The Valley News has a story on what he’s been facing. The title alone suggests that people who are on the board are only there to see how many ways they can...

Please Defend Home Schooling!

The State Board of Education (“BOE”) is preparing to decide the fate of New Hampshire’s home education rules this week. The Board will meet this Wednesday, and the home education rules are on their agenda for 2:30 p.m. Any changes to the rules passed...

Where Are They Now? Lyonel Tracy

Where do former NH Education Commissioners go when they cease being NH Education Commissioners? Why, straight to DC and in the company of the famous Marc Tucker of course. If parents don’t keep an eye on Governor Lynch and the NGA, and Lyonel Tracy, Marc Tucker...

Presumption of Innocence (HB 1580)

Update: It is primarily the parent’s duty to instruct his or her children, not the state’s. The House will vote on this bill on March 17, 2010. A rally is planned for 8:30 AM at the Statehouse. HB 1580 would restore the “presumption of...

Keene Employs Informed Voters – Sort Of

by Ed Naile Out in Keene the local newspaper reports: Keene School District Voters Prove To be Most Agreeable… Really, agreeable – some headline. Out in Keene the numbers say it all. Check it out yourself at the state web site: Profile of Keene, NH Keene...