Voters to Rally Statehouse for Many Bills March 10

Many important bills will reach the House and Senate for a vote on March 10, 2010. HB 1580 – (SUPPORT) Establishes that parents have a natural, fundamental right to determine and direct the education of their children. The bill also exempts children who are...

Plainfield School Annual Town Meeting March 6

The Plainfield School Board is requesting a 4.2% increase in the school budget for FY 2010-2011. Please attend this meeting on Saturday, March 6, 10:00 AM at the Plainfield Elementary School. Please download the full slate of items here. Plainfield School Board...

Why NECAP Scores in Bedford Were Not So Hot

Hear education advocate and reporter Anne Marie Banfield talk about the flaws and discrepancies in the NECAP testing and why the results are not what you might think.

Bullying Legislation – Who is Behind It? (HB 1523)

UPDATE: There will be a House Education Committee subcommitee work session on February 16, 2010 at 10:00 AM in LOB 207. We still say that this bill is NOT NEEDED, but if it passes, should only pass WITH THE AMENDMENT that provides for NO DISCRIMINATION about which...

Lynch Bypasses Legislature Signs on to Nationalize Education

Governor Lynch has bypassed our state legislature and local school boards and has signed on to the scheme to have an NGO, the National Governor’s Association, arrange the deal for Race to the Top, or what will result in the nationalization of our NH educational...

Monadnock Taxpayers Victorious at Deliberative Session

Taxpaying public soundly defeats the adding of hundreds of thousands of dollars to the budget Karen Cota, a former school board member from Roxbury tried to amend the proposed budget so that it was higher than the default budget by a few hundred thousand dollars....