Legislator Seeks to Bypass Vote on HB 367 and HB 368

Update: One of our NH legislators is seeking to bypass the recent defeat of HB 367 and HB 368, two bills that would have put further government controls over NH home schooled children, by going directly to the school board. NH Rep. Emma Rous is trying to get the DOE...

Rochester Taxpayers Reject Educational Fads

Rochester Taxpayers has done its homework. They do not support the ‘Big Picture’ school concept, recognizing it to be based on the failed “outcome-based” educational philosophy that has morphed and changed to be called other things such as...

Bedford School Deliberative Session February 2

According to Superintendent Tim Mayes… The Bedford School District Annual Deliberative Session will be held on Tuesday, February 2 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Bedford High School Theater. This is a public meeting where residents are able to review and revise the articles...

UN Program Threatens Windham

When will parents and taxpayers wake up? Apparently the town of Windham is being threatened with UN programs that portend to bring UN propaganda to their schools. Recent activities include fundraising for attendance at an upcoming UN conference in New York. Some of...

Barrington School Deliberative Session January 30

This Saturday at 9:00 AM the Barrington School Deliberative Session will be held at the Elementary School. The Barrington Taxpayers Association has submitted a warrant article identified as ARTICLE S-3 that is an up/down vote on building a new high school. This is...

Invasive Health Tests in Schools (HB 1479)

At the urging of the wife of Governor Lynch, the House Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee is being urged to recommend HB 1479 which would requiring that body mass index be assessed in all pupils in grades one, 4, 7, and 10. This is a gross invasion...