Barrington Town and School Meetings

The front page of the Barrington Taxpayers January 2010 Newsletter (see Newsletters Tab) features BTA’s recommended candidates for Selectman. There are three seats up for grabs. The back page has the warrant articles petitioned by the BTA to be placed on the ballot in...

The Origins and Goals of IB

by Lisa McLoughlin IB Education Reporter TAIB has demonstrated in numerous ways how IBO is affiliated with the UN. Yet time and time again, IB supporters rail against this fact, claiming that we have no “proof” that IB actually “teaches” UN...

Bedford’s Bloated School Budget

A few years back, Bedford NH built its own high school and then promptly turned control of the curriculum over to the United Nations, at a cost. In addition to the objectionable nature of that situation, the cost of the whole system is nearly $67M and while it employs...

Victory! HB 368 DEFEATED 324 to 34

Homeschoolers in New Hampshire won a decisive victory for freedom and liberty as the New Hampshire House of Representatives responded to your voices to kill HB 368 today by a landslide vote of 324 to 34. For the past several years a vocal group of pro-regulation...

Defeat Home School Bill (HB 368)

UPDATE: This bill was NOT taken up on January 6. It will instead be taken up for a floor vote on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 10:00 AM. It appears that at least one Republican is considering the bill. If you are a constituent of first term Republican Representative...