Homeschool Alert

From the HSDLA New Hampshire HB 368 Survey to Superintendents Subcommittee Work Session Scheduled Please Attend! The New Hampshire House Education sub-committee has scheduled a meeting to discuss its proposed “Survey to Superintendents” on September 29,...

Rochester Residents Must Reject “Big Picture” Schools

For the Rochester Concerned Taxpayers Association by Jane Aitken (updated 3/24/2012) It has come to my attention that the City of Rochester is being asked to consider the construction of a second, ‘small’ high school. While I do not dispute the idea that...

Preserving local control — will it be possible?

NH is already under threat of the institution of programs and reforms that do NOT come from the local taxpayers and parents but from places like the National Governor’s Association, agreements with other states, or worse yet, crazy schemes from rock stars like...

New NH Education Commissioner Sworn In

Virginia Barry Sworn In as Ed Commissioner Virginia Barry of Bridgewater has been sworn in. The Executive Council unanimously confirmed Gov. John Lynch’s nomination of her on May 6.

HB 368 Needs Your Attention

From the HSLDA: Homeschool Inquisition Continues HB 368 Work Session Scheduled – Please Attend! The inquisition into the New Hampshire homeschool law has called its next “chamber meeting”. A select subcommittee will meet to discuss a “Survey to...

Home Schoolers Update (HB 368)

HB 368 was retained in committee. Chairman Emma Rouse described HB 368 as a “vehicle” to continue to “study” the homeschool laws in New Hampshire. Retained Bill – Survey to Superintendents Subcommittee Work Session: 6/2/2009 10:00 AM LOB...