Epping Sues for Compelled Speech Mitigation

CNHT has received the usual increased number of complaints about ‘compelled speech’ violations which is sadly, a typical situation around election time. Complaints have poured in from those in towns in NH who received emails, mailings, phone calls, saw...

Bankrupting the Village: Timeline of Bedford

Note: This is the last of a series of articles on how the Bedford School Industry Spenders hurt the community of Bedford just as we predicted their actions would. We offer you the timeline after revisiting some related articles from 2003-2006 before the new school was...

Restore Local Control to Education (CACR 8)

UPDATE – This bill is coming up for a Roll Call Vote on Wednesday, February 18, 2009. CACR 8 [Constitutional Amendment Concurrent Resolution 8] would reestablish the recognition of local control of education in the New Hampshire Constitution. Bill text: CACR 8...

Record-Breaking Crowd Sends Message to Legislators

February 13, 2009 HSLDA The New Hampshire legislature is known as the third-largest representative body in the world, ranking behind U.S. Congress and British Parliament. It also has an interesting tradition that all bills newly introduced get an up or down vote by...

Agents of Change

How people in the education business are recruited to be ‘agents of change’ and why. Download the free book Deliberate Dumbing Down [7 MB]