Universal Preschool Hasn’t Delivered Results

San Francisco Chronicle Early education advocates want you to believe that the case for universal preschool is so airtight that raising any questions about it is an act of heresy. But there is a strong and growing body of literature showing that preschool produces...

Serious Questions About Job-Placement Schools

NCLC Report: Serious Questions Need Answering to Back Up Job-Placement and Graduation Claims of Proprietary Schools Self-Reporting, Flawed Formulas for Gauging Results Cast Doubt on Current Data Dreams and Financial Futures of Schools’ Vulnerable Student Populations...

NH Homeschoolers’ Rights Threatened

September 30, 2008 Alert From the HSLDA New Hampshire: Help Stop Increase in Homeschool Regulation It is critical that New Hampshire homeschoolers send homeschool-friendly representatives to the legislature this year. New Hampshire homeschoolers fought a tough battle...

Northwood Interim Super Has Past

This information was taken from a Union Leader article from November 22, 2007 Mayor: Ex-superintendent hiked his own pay Michael Ludwell gave himself a 2 percent pay raise this summer without the school board’s authorization, a revelation that prompted his...

Congress engages in more education nonsense and waste

September 23, 3008 CNHT has discovered that both our Congressmen, Carol Shea-Porter of District 1, and Paul Hodes of District 2, have co-sponsored and voted for this bill which passed the US House. This legislation, if allowed to pass the Senate, will affect all...

NH Parents Beware: The School ‘Reformers’ are Coming

September 23, 2008 EdWeek N.H. Seeking to Reinvigorate High Schools One New Hampshire high school student fell in love with accounting while working at a local business. Another attended the recent Democratic National Convention as a campaign volunteer. And a third,...