How a Bad Idea Spreads

Coming soon in January… out of town special interests (NGOs, corporations, foundations) are running your unelected Regional Planning Commissions… who are going to be filing warrant articles in your town… just as described in this excellent video. If...

Press Release Regarding Common Core

Coalition of NH Taxpayers 603-471-0138 (9AM-5PM only) For Immediate Release: CNHT Demands Transparency Regarding Common Core Parents and Taxpayers Not Getting Questions Answered The Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers is outraged that Manchester...

Gilmanton School Board Spending?

Up in Gilmanton, Elena is on the ball! Here is how you put a school board on notice they are not following state statutes regarding the slippery issue of “surpluses.” Elena has hit all the right notes. She asks the right questions and contacted her DRA representative....

Bill Updates

Some of the things legislators voted to do: (2013) – Kill the repeal of the business tax credit system for school choice – Kill the Democrat gas tax increase – Kill the Democrat tobacco tax increase – Stop the re-implementation of the...

SB 48 Out of Committee

SB 48 passed the House Ed Committee. The good news is that both the Democrats and Republicans had ISSUES with the idea of ASSESSING student “dispositions”. That word was removed with an amendment. Unfortunately schools will be labeled...

Portsmouth Patch Posting Error

Be assured that CNHT (the group) did NOT attend a press conference to stand with Bill Duncan in calling for the repeal of the Bradley-O’Brien school choice law (which by the way is NOT a voucher as Duncan is representing it) today in Portsmouth. We are still at...