MVSD’s IB Program Lacks Transparency

Voters in the Merrimack Valley asked for more transparency for the school district’s “IB” program which has been imposed upon all schools. Resident Bill Murphy introduced a nonbinding resolution requesting the school board print all sources of...

Dems Trying to Destroy Educational Tax Credits for Poor

From the Honorable Gregory Hill: Here are the real facts about the N.H. education tax credit program Cathy Merwin’s endorsement in Tuesday’s paper described the new education tax credit program as badly as any letter I’ve yet seen. As one of the...

Education Choice (HB 370)

The Senate has yet to schedule a vote on HB 370, which would prevent low income families from receiving a tax credit if they choose to send their children to private schools instead of public schools. If we cannot stop this bill, this fundamental right of parents to...

Stop Common Core (HB 479)

To get Common Core out of our schools, folks should get behind HB 479 introduced by Rep. JR Hoell. Contact the House Education Committee and ask them to support this bill next Tuesday, February 19th. This bill restores the independence and local self-governance of...

NH LISTENS (PR Firm) Now Invading Town Meetings

As predicted would happen, one of the PR firms that is being used by the Regional Planning Commissions to shape the debate and guarantee the outcome for the benefit of the American Planning Association’s implementation of the federal HUD/EPA/DOT’s...

Competency Based Learning SB 82

The Senate Health, Education and Human Services Committee held a hearing on a bill to institute Competency Based Learning in NH (SB 82) and there were no opponents present. However, most people who understand that it is merely a repackaging of OBE and other school...