Perennial Orgy of Greed

by Johnna Grzywacz, CPC The Reauthorized Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) is one of many legislative reforms since the inception of nationwide job training and job search assistance programs more than six decades ago. The goal: better response to the workforce...

Moltonborough Questions Use of SWAT Teams

Moultonborough Citizens Alliance PO Box 678 Moultonboro, NH 03254 MCA is concerned about citizens rights, sensible spending, private property issues, etc and we have contacted the Selectmen, by email, and asked them to discuss SWAT Teams at their next meeting. We have...

Fannie Mae NH?

Boston Globe CONCORD, N.H.—Every other month Trina Robinson was pouring money into repairs for her 10-year-old Chevy Lumina: $200 here, $300 there for failing ball joints, wheel bearings, struts. The costs — $3,000 in one year alone — were eating into her...

Workforce Investment Act: Protecting Against Scams

by Johnna Grzywacz, CPC Protect Yourself Against Scams If you wish to market yourself, it is important to move your career path toward the areas where prospective employers are more likely to hire you. One of the ways to achieve this is to become an informed consumer...