The NH Advantage is under attack. Sadly your own tax dollars are being used against you. Regional planning groups, state-created “commissions” (basically taxpayer-funded lobbyists created by Governors when they can’t get their bills passed normally)...
“Alexa Carpenter: NH’s Housing Crisis: a product of vocal NIMBYs and a silent majority” is misleading and wrong. First of all, Carpenter typically cites a Saint Anselm College poll with the claim that “two-thirds of New Hampshire voters agree...
Dear Candidates for NH Senate and House: We’ll get to the bottom line right away but hope candidates and current legislators will read this in full to get yourselves up to speed. The bottom line: the issue of zoning being taken over by the Feds via AFFH (refers...
by Ed Naile Andru Volinsky, a candidate for NH governor, has a problem understanding how property taxes are paid in New Hampshire. He has lived here long enough to know that property taxes are paid at the local level and we have had, for several hundred years, Town...
The Governor of NH has issued this Emergency Order #23 Pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04. [PDF] Temporary modification of municipal and local government statutory requirements