Your Immediate Action is Needed on HB 1161

YOUR IMMEDIATE ACTION IS NEEDED ON HB 1161 a NH gun law Governor Lynch already vetoed this bipartisan firearm bill, HB 1161. CALL/TELL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES to override Governor Lynch’s veto of HB 1161 on Wednesday, October 13, 2010. The General Court wisely passed a...

Read Our Lips: There is NO Surplus

The Union Leader – Lynch announces $26 million budget surplus reported on Governor Lynch’s announcement of a surplus. “CONCORD – The state built up a $26 million surplus during the budget year that ended June 30, Gov. John Lynch said Friday....

Spending Liberally – Stealing When They Run Out

by Ed Naile New Hampshire’s legislative money junkies and their governor need another fix. Ah, NH’s Tax and Spend Democrats, where will they get mo munny if they can’t rob the doctors of their private Joint Underwrites catastrophic insurance buffer. (See, it...

Panel to Lynch: No on JUA Funds

Senate Republican Statement on Vote to Block Lynch’s Raid of Doctors’ Insurance Funds Senate Minority Leader Peter Bragdon (R-Milford) released the following statement regarding today’s decision by a legislative panel to block Governor Lynch’s attempt to steal...

Targeting Gun Owners

The Democrat Face Of Voter Fraud by Ed Naile I Googled him: Our old vote and political sign stealing low life pal, Geoff Wetrosky, has found a more permanent place to live than in the Sullivan flophouse on Mammoth Rd. in Manchester! Geoff is currently working for the...

Governor Lynch To Business Community: Reward Employee Theft

by NH Senator Andy Sanborn Audio of Senator Andy Sanborn talking with Brian Tilton on WTPL 107.7 FM about HB 1168… Governor Lynch says stealing is OK, just don’t take a lot, but if you do steal and get caught, don’t worry, the State will take care of you… As a...