Tobacco Tax, Puppy Tax (SB 450)

SB 450 would raise the tobacco tax by $.20, and increase the annual pet shop licensing fee from $200 to $375. These measures will be discussed in the Finance and Ways and Means Committees – Please check this page for dates, times and locations. The public...

Where Are They Now? Lyonel Tracy

Where do former NH Education Commissioners go when they cease being NH Education Commissioners? Why, straight to DC and in the company of the famous Marc Tucker of course. If parents don’t keep an eye on Governor Lynch and the NGA, and Lyonel Tracy, Marc Tucker...

Support SB 505 Amendment

On Wednesday March 24, the NH Senate will be considering an amendment to SB 505, sponsored by Senator Jeb Bradley, which would protect individuals from being FORCED to purchase health care under federal mandate. 37 states are currently in the process of suing the...

HassanCare for NH? (SB 505)

Senate Majority Leader Maggie Hassan, D-Exeter has come up with a huge bill, SB 505 that will be voted on by the House on March 17, 2010. Please contact your Senator to register your OPPOSITION to this bill. The 4,500-word bill would create three full-time...

Tent Tax Party (HB 1445)

by Steve MacDonald What do you get when you mix 124 Donkeys and one RINO? A list of NH House reps on the wrong side of a bill to repeal another stupid tax. The House voted to ax the tent tax, (HB 1445) and repeal the 9% ‘rooms and meals’ tax for people who...

Hassan’s Massive Hospital Tax (SB 505)

by Steve MacDonald State Senator Maggie Hassan must not believe the odds for Democrats in November are bad enough. She’s decided to ask them to help her piss off the entire Health Care industry in New Hampshire (and anyone who has to use it) on top of everything else...