Budget Shortfall of $9 Million

The NH GOP put out a statement regarding Governor John Lynch’s financial woes. NHGOP STATEMENT ON FEBRUARY REVENUE SHORTFALL CONCORD – Former New Hampshire Governor and Republican State Committee Chairman John H. Sununu released the following statement today on...

Lawmakers Ready to Ax Business Tax

Nashua Telegraph Lawmakers ready to ax business tax CONCORD – The state’s controversial new tax on owners and investors in limited liability companies could disappear by its one-year anniversary. Gov. John Lynch and top leaders in the state Legislature have privately...

Health Czars for NH (SB 505 Explained)

Charlie Arlinghaus, from the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy, explains what SB 505 would mean for NH. He says: “You don’t have to be psychic to see where this is heading. If the government is to set hospital rates and “promote new initiatives,” the next...

In Times Like These…

These articles are offered to you without comment… Maggie Hassan’s Own Brand of Universal Health Care for NH “Critics may come to call it New Hampshire’s own big debate over health care. Senate Majority Leader Maggie Hassan, D-Exeter, and supporters...

Lynch Bypasses Legislature Signs on to Nationalize Education

Governor Lynch has bypassed our state legislature and local school boards and has signed on to the scheme to have an NGO, the National Governor’s Association, arrange the deal for Race to the Top, or what will result in the nationalization of our NH educational...

Stop the LLC Tax (SB 473)

Attend the Public Hearing on Repeal of LLC Tax on Tuesday February 9th at 9:00 AM (and the Monday February 8th forum in Hanover, see details below) Senator Jeb Bradley has introduced a Bill, SB 473, seeking to repeal the LLC tax in its entirety. There is a public...