The New Year’s Resolution NH Needs

The New Year’s Resolution NH Needs: Spending Cuts Thanksgiving has come and gone and Christmas is just around the corner. The Holidays come quickly and there’s so much to do to get ready, but is New Hampshire ready for the budget problems awaiting the Legislature’s...

Should the State Bail Out Newspapers with Tax Dollars?

Last week the proposed bailout of The Claremont Eagle Times by the State of NH was discussed on FOX’s Glenn Beck Show, by Judge Andrew Napolitano. The Governor and Council are meeting again this week, Wednesday, 11/18/2009 at the Statehouse. Councilor Ray...

Lynch does sleight-of-hand with math scores

October 22, 2009 Math Wizards The NAEP math scores were released this week, and the news was good for New Hampshire. New Hampshire finished near the top when compared to the rest of the country. But was it really good news? The New Hampshire papers were quick to offer...

NH Students Lagging in Math Scores

Recent test scores show that half of NH’s 4th and 8th grade students are failing a basic math assessment. This is one response from a parent and math expert who reports on education issues. November 1, 2009 Follow the Child, where? To failure? Governor Lynch...

State Budget Analysis – TAX SUMMIT

A Little Good News, Some Mixed News, But Even More Bad News in Concord A State Fiscal Analysis by NH Senator Jeb Bradley, District 3 October 16, 2009 The recent release of New Hampshire’s revenue receipts simultaneously offers glimmers of hope while raising even more...

Lynch Signs UN Agreement

October 2, 2009 United Nations Development Programme Newsroom Agreements reached at Summit send powerful message to negotiators in Copenhagen Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and United Nations officials today joined with 30 global leaders in Los Angeles, at the closing...