Party of the ‘rich’ scheming for broadbased tax

According to this article in the Union Leader, “A legislative committee studying an income tax bill was told yesterday it should consider a sales tax instead.” The hearing was intended to be a formal briefing by UNH Economics Professor Ross Gittell on HB...

Republicans call for state special session

September 3, 2009 Nashua Telegraph CONCORD – Republican legislative leaders called upon Gov. John Lynch to convene a special session to cut spending in a state budget embroiled in a $110 million court dispute and faced with lagging revenues over the past two months....

NH Democrat Party says you won’t care

August 6, 2009 Union Leader More than $300 million in tax and fee hikes isn’t ‘major’? On Sunday, New Hampshire Democratic Party spokesman Victoria Bonney was quoted in this newspaper as saying the current $110 million hole in the state budget will...

NH budget can’t use malpractice fund

July 30, 2009 Seacoast Online CONCORD — A judge has rejected the state’s claim on a $110 million surplus in a fund that underwrites malpractice insurance. The state counted on $65 million of the money to help balance the budget in the fiscal year that just ended...

Lynch opposes gambling, or does he?

July 22, 2009 Eagle Tribune “A newly announced commission to study expanded gambling in the state has those on both sides of the slot machine debate looking forward to more definitive answers. Gov. John Lynch signed an executive order July 16, to form the...

Lynch Parties While New Hampshire Burns

Seacoast Online The Hampton Beach Commission is throwing an invitation only party to celebrate the fact that they’ve conned Lynch into giving them $14.5 million dollars at a time when the state is bleeding money from every pore. Thus far, my mailbox remains woefully...