Lynch Approval Plummets

The question is, why would any Republican have EVER supported this guy? FOX Story

The PLEDGE Lives On

At Ease with the Pledge During the only televised debate for governor last fall, a question was read carefully. “It would not be election season in New Hampshire without the following question: Do you pledge to veto any broad based sales or income tax?” Gov. John...

Taxes and More Taxes (HB 2)

HB2, the companion bill to the state budget, is not only fiscally irresponsible during these difficult economic times, but it calls for many radical tax hikes that will affect every family in New Hampshire. Specifically, HB2: *Calls for a NEW Capital Gains Tax of 5%...

View Tax is Subjective, Unfair

This piece is reprinted with permission from the author. It was also printed in Foster’s. Like most people, I have an aversion to injustice. Here in the “Live Free or Die” state of New Hampshire, a glaring example of injustice is the levying of an odious view...

Just Say NO to an Income Tax (HB 583)

UPDATE Executive Session of House Ways and Means Committee: Tuesday, February 17, 2:00 PM LOB Room 202. Rep. Delmar Burridge (D) has proposed HB 583 which would impose a State income tax on the citizens of NH even though Governor Lynch has repeatedly said he would...